Negeseuon Sion Corn
Messages from Santa
Creu Nadolig Hudolus - Creating a Magical Christmas
Beth am ychwanegu rhywbeth arbennig i'ch Nadolig?
Fedrwch archebu fideo, galw i weld, neu hyd yn oed trefnu ymwleiad gan Sion Corn.
How about adding something special to your Christmas?
You can order a video, call to see or even book a visit from Santa.
Fideos - Videos
Fedrwch archebu fideo wedi personoli i chi a'r teulu o Sion Corn ei hun.
You can order a personalised video from Santa for you and the family.
Archebwch eich fideo personol o Sion Corn YMA!
Order your personalised video from Santa HERE
Fydd y fideos yn cael ei ffilmio o ddiwedd mis Tachwedd ymlaen, ac fe fydd y fideos yn cael eu danfon allan wrth iddynt gael ei ffilmio. Os oes angen fideo erbyn dyddiad penodol, plis rhowch y manylion hynny yn glir yn y ffurflen archebu, ac newn ein gorau i gyflawni hyn, ond fedrwn ni ddim addo fydd hyn yn bosib. Tua 150 eiliad fydd hyd hiraf y fideos. Os ydych am fideo i gwmni neu digwyddiad corfforaethol cysylltwch yn uniongyrchol i trafod hyn.
Videos will be filmed from the end of November onwards, and videos will be sent out in batches as they are filmed. If you need a video by a certain date, please put these details in the order form and we will do our best to complete the request, but we cannot guarantee this. Videos will be capped at about 150 seconds. If you require a video for a company or corporate event contact us directly to discuss this.
I cadw lan gyda newyddion Sion Corn am 2023, pam na wnewch chi cofrestru eich ebost isod er mwyn fod gyda'r cynta i cael gwybod y manylion pwysig.
In order to keep up to date with Santa's plans for 2023, why not register your email below so that you can be one of the first to find out the important detail.
Nadolig Llawen
Merry Christmas
More information on specific web page
Ymddangosiadau - Appearances
Fedrwch trefnu i Sion Corn dod i ymweld a pharti neu digwyddiad arbennig.
You can arrange for Santa to appear in your party or special event
Danfonwch ymholidau/ Send enquiries to : negessioncorn@hotmail.com
Mae'r wefan yma dal yn cael i'w datblygu, fydd mwy o wybodaeth yn cael i'w ychwanegu'n aml. Os am wybodaeth penodol danfonwch neges trwy ebost neu un o'n tudalennau cymdeithasol.
This website is still under development, more information will be added regularly. If you require specific information please send an email or send us a message via one of our social media pages.